Following on from LIDAR scan
Posted on 25th August 2023 at 09:11
Following on from the scan we now have a 3D model or 'BIM' - Building Information Model shpwing the proposed structure in the space scanned.
Following on from Jona's of PQS Tech's successful scan he developed an ifc model of the scan with walls superimposed to make it easier for Michael Carter of Carter MMC to produce the LGS model within ensuring that when rolled and assembled it fits perfectly 1st time!
The screen grabbed video above shows the LGS model represented inside the walls overlaid from the scan.
Responses to the video from the site owner / developer and architect have included:
“Thanks so much for sending this through - it looks brilliant!”
(Ben Harvey - site owner)
"Wow! Thank you, Stephen. I am not good at 3D translating / visualising plans in my head, and this really helps I'm looking forward to the possibility of virtually walking through it."
(Andrew Harvey - Joint Site Owner)
"Morning Steve
Many thanks for this..
This technology is fantastic..”
(Andrew Holgate, White Rose Architectural Services)
If you have thoughts you'd like to share please leave a comment in the comments section below.
The video below shows without the photo rendered walls and the point cloud reduced to 'planes' for ease of creating the LGS model. This then can be viewed using the Trimble Connect viewer on line or download as a standalone desktop or mobile device app it's possibe to rotate, 'clip' (create sections through) the model as well as check dimensions!
In one of our next blog posts we intend to use the 'AR' version of Trimble Connect.

Many thanks to the following companies for their help and supprt on this project so far:
Without none of whom this would have been, or will be possible
Contact PQS Tech for prices for the LiDAR scan - you'll be pleasantly surprised! (Prices start a way under £1000)
Follow this Blog for more as we demonstrate the Augmented Reality version of Trimble Connect and manufacture the frames!
It's also worth looking back at some of our previous Blog Posts in this area including:
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